Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

The Job Seeker's Secret Weapon: The High Five


Regardless of whether you have lost your position or you are currently seeking for a new chance, the job search approach is a lonely and frustrating encounter. Searching for leads responding to blind ads offering resumes (with no response) or interviewing unsuccessfully can harm your self-esteem. These feelings of worthlessness may well tumble a job seeker into depression. Depression is deadly considering that emotions are readily discerned for the duration of an interview. Some might feel they will be able to feign a positive demeanor for the duration of this short period, then again, an interview is stressful. Even the most innocuous question can lead the candidate into sharing negative emotions. (I've skilled 1st hand, as a recruiter, candidates who have broken down or imploded in the course of the interview. Needless to say, the candidate did not get the position.)

Employers, specifically recruiters and hiring managers, have a predicament, an open position, and they are seeking for someone to fix the situation, a new employee. Managers want a "entire" person, an individual who not only has the qualifications for the position, but is excited about the opportunity and hopeful about their options. Their initial option will be a candidate who has a positive and assured manner.

Dr. Robert Emmons and Dr. Michael McCoullough conducted a study in 2003 and located that individuals who count their blessings daily in a written format reported greater levels of optimism and energy. They also skilled less tension and depression. Dr. Emmons, in his book, Thanks: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, portrays gratitude as a two-part process. The initially is an acknowledgment of the goodness in our lives and the second component is recognizing this goodness, at least partially, is from outside ourselves. The book also discusses how depression is commonly inner-focused or concentrated on self whereas gratitude is focused outwardly. By spotlighting the positive aspects of our lives, our entire outlook takes on a a lot more optimistic, upbeat and confident note.

The successful job seeker will have an arsenal of tactics and tools to fight depression. 1 of the most proactive approaches I have located is the "High 5". High, given that the job seeker is asked to look outside themselves, and five, due to the fact each day the job seeker records 5 issues for which they are grateful. They often may be the similar points!

There are a assortment of unique methods to conduct the High Five. Most job seekers make their list early in the day and review it throughout the day, particularly when feelings of depression happen. Some of the most popular strategies are:

a. Produce a "Gratitude" journal - everyday recording the five items you are grateful for that day. It can be just a word or a paragraph or a page. It is your journal.

b. Whiteboard - record the 5 items on a white board or black board so it is effortlessly observed by the job seeker anytime throughout the day.

c. "Treasure Chest" - Job seeker records the five items they are grateful for on individual slips of paper which are then stored in the "Treasure Chest."

d. Gratitude Gait - Throughout your day-to-day walk, believe of every item and then invest 5 minutes reviewing every in-depth as you walk. (Fingers can be made use of to count off the 5 items or five paperclips can be moved from one pocket to a different.)

The above strategies need to turn out to be a everyday activity. It is not something we can do 1 time and then forget about it or anticipate our emotions to stay the exact same. We are emotional creatures and our emotions do fluctuate which is why we want to conscientiously express our gratitude on a everyday basis. The additional we concentrate on the positives in our lives each and every day, the a lot more optimistic and energetic we become and project to others, specifically hiring managers and recruiters.

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